Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is here... and its rainy and cold...

So, some of my favorite days are dark, rainy days.  They don't make me sad ~ they make me love being inside and working on my projects or snuggled up with a book.  Today it is dark and pouring.  I have no where to go and just have to work today.  I'm hoping to get all my hours in while Nic is at school so I can use my "date night" time while Nic is at Grandpa's to work on projects.
Stuff I learned yesterday:
1.  Menard's is the cheapest place to buy laundry detergent.  On sale or regular price no one beats their price which is mattering a lot more in my current financial situation.
2.  People like me and I make them laugh.  Last night we had a post-practice team gathering at Culver's and it was fun to sit and chat with the moms and the team.
3.  At 37 years old, I still love easter candy, especially Marshmallow Peeps.  People either love them or hate them - I've never met anyone who was indifferent to these squishy sweet treats.

One foot in front of the other...

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