Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's day is a choice... you can choose to focus on the romantic aspects of the holiday or you can make it fit your life.  I love Valentine's day... I have so many friends and family that make my life so great and Valentine's Day is such a great opportunity to celebrate those people and let them all know what they mean to me.
So, to all of you who worry about me and check here to get a fix on my current emotional state or if I've gone off the deep end... I am good today and I appreciate all that you bring to my life - near and far, people I see and talk to all the time and those who I rarely see or speak to... Happy Valentine's Day!  I love you!
Tonight I'm baking for my divorce support group for the first time.  I bought myself a beautiful necklace today and I am loving myself as much as I love all of you!
Be kind to yourself and those you love today - and try to do it everyday.  Life is fleeting... you never know what tomorrow will bring.

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