Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

So, in the last 72 hours we've had rain, 20 below and now a beautiful snow is falling. I'm a total indoor girl, but there is nothing prettier than watching big snowflakes fall outside. (of course, I'm inside with hot chocolate and a blanket)

This time of year always gets me thinking about what I've accomplished this past year and what I want to change for the year coming up. My career is a new thing in my life. Since 2005 I've gone from being a student, to be a certified physician coder, to getting fired and being unemployed for 10 months to being hired and trained as a facility coder. All that means little if anything to most of you, but it has been a journey where I have learned a lot about my strengths, even more about my weaknesses and learned about just how hard it is to be a really good working mom. I'm so blessed to have a boss who saw more in me than my skill set, who took a chance on me, hired me, trained me in a new type of coding and, as a devoted mom herself, has offered one of the first home coding jobs in Madison. I am blessed to have the ability to walk from my bedroom to my office to go to work. I have the flexibility to be here in the morning for my kids and make them breakfast and be here for them after school - and still work a full time job. My self esteem took a beating last year when I got fired and was unemployed for so long, but I'm now in a place where I can do a good job for my employer and still be a good mom. Right now, my career is one thing I don't want to change at all.

In the picture above, I'm working - ignore the back fat; I'm working on that one.

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