It's that time of year again... Camp! All year long Nicolas talks about camp, asks to go to camp and reminisces about camp.
This year his first camp was at Wisconsin Lions Camp near Stevens Point, WI.
It was great to walk up to the sign in tent and have everyone remember Nic and have them comment on NO CAST this year! Yeah!
This year I got a phone call from camp for the first time in four years. On Wednesday night the phone rang and the nurse from camp informed me that Nicolas was sick and couldn't keep any food down. They were asking me for ideas to help him but they didn't ask me to come get him because he didn't have a fever. It took him a while to feel better even after he came home so his first camp of the year wasn't as successful as we would have hoped.
It was a great week for Sophie and I. We've quickly navigated back to our old selves and I know we feel comfortable together again. We had a quiet week without Nicolas but it was good to see him again on Friday when we picked him up. Life just isn't the same without Nicolas.
Sophie and I watched movies and I even got some scrapbooking done.
Our summer is already slipping away... tomorrow is July 1st already. This weekend is the Monona Festival and the fireworks. No party this year... its so hard when friends are divided up.
Life with the kids is settling in. I'm grateful that the kids were returned to me permanently. We are a family and we work well together.
The next two months are full of uncertainties - the possibility of having to move, the finalizing of the divorce and preparing for a new chapter in life. The one thing we can count on is CAMP! Nic has two more weeks in Iowa - and he can't wait!