Wednesday, March 4, 2009

7th Photo...

I saw this on another blog today and thought I'd steal it... go to your photo folders on your computer, choose the 7th folder and the 7th photo and post it on your blog... this is mine:
1999, July to be exact at the Dane County Jr Fair - Sophie is 19 months old -
The reason this is even on my computer right now is that I'm re-organizing and viewing all my old photos.
This week I received news that my uncle and another acquaintance have cancer... my uncle has an inoperable brain tumor - the acquaintance is a young mom with a mass in her chest. Time flies so fast and it seems we spend so much time worrying about the little things - or the big things that we don't often see the amazing things in our life... I'm lucky... I've got two great kids, friends all over the country, my health and my faith... that's more than most.
I'm selling the convertible... I never did get the pictures up, but if I can sell it I'm going to... "things" just aren't as important to me anymore...